
Completing this quetionnaire is voluntary.  The information obtained will be used for awards and may be compiled in a memory book.  

Thank you for your participation! 

If you are married, what is your spouse's name? How many years have you been married?
If you are attending with a significant other or date, what is his or her name?
Do you have children? If so, what are their names and ages?
If you have pets, how many and what kind?
What is your educational background? List any degrees or certifications, etc.
What is your occupation? What do you do at your job?
Have you ever served in the military? If so, what branch and for how long?
What are your proudest accomplishments to date?
Where do you currently live? How far will you travel to attend the reunion?
Have you had any interesting travels since high school graduation?
Who were your favorite favorite teachers in high school? Favorite subject?
If you could go back to high school, is there anything you would do differently?
What (if anything!) do you miss about high school?
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